creme de la mer

  • review creme de la mer

    Creme De La Mer: Is It Worth it?

    And the award for most hyped-up, outrageously expensive skincare cream goes to… Creme De La Mer! Look, I get it. Creme De La Mer has a cool story. NASA scientist Max Huber created it to heal his skin after an experiment blew up in his face. I mean, how many creams can say they were […]

  • review creme de la mer

    Are They Dupes?: Creme De La Mer VS Nivea Creme

    When I reviewed Creme De La Mer, I compared it to Nivea Creme. The two have more in common than the fancy seaweed cream dares to admit. But just how similar are they? To find out, let’s take a look at the ingredients of all three creams. No, that’s not a typo. There are two […]